MANETONE aveva ragione!
Egyptian calendars An original hypothesis led me to consider the two ancient Egyptian calendars, the civil of 365 days and the religious of 365,25 days, in a different way compared to the present believes of the egyptologists. Since I had conceived unacceptable that both the calendars were inaugurated at the same moment, I investigated the possibility that the civil one had started a long time before the religious and simultaneously with a precise astronomic event, let’s say an equinox or a solstice, while the religious calendar has been inaugurated at the beginning of the pharaonic age, when the heliacal Sirius rise coincided with the summer solstice. A long mathematical elaboration led me to a solution that considers the beginning of the more ancient calendar at the autumn equinox of the 4623 BC and the beginning of the more precise calendar in the 3761 BC. This solution, which clearly finds common characteristics with the jewish chronology, constitutes a source of crises for the “very short” Egyptian chronologies commonly accepted, but it has the great merit to be phased with the C-14 dating of the monuments of the III and IV dynasties, which result meanly 374 years more ancient.
New chronology Under the light of the mentioned scientific discovery, I’ve revisited the Manetho’s chronology, particularly trying to detect possible corrections at the data reported by Africano; most of them in reference to the reigns of the Intermediate Periods. Proceeding in this way I’m proposing a new chronology of the first 18/19 dynasties based on the following characteristic points:
The new chronology shows good agreement with the C-14 datings (the average of the differences between the supposed age of the monuments and the middle year of the reign of the relative Pharaoh is reduced from 374 to 11 years) and, furthermore, allows to explain:
Origins of the Egyptian civilization The present study of the Ancient and Middle Reign is accompanied by a speculation on the origins of the Egyptian civilization, supposed to be born from the merging of two different migrations, one from the east and one from the ancestral civilization of Atlantis. An original view of the circular zodiac of Dendera suggested me to link some of the historical phases of the two mentioned civilizations to the icons appearing on the zodiac, supposing a temporal correspondence between historical periods and zodiacal ages.
Bible– XVIII dynasty - Exodus The need for new reference absolute points for the Egyptian chronology led me to search possible links between Egyptian civilization and jewish world, from Abraham until the Exodus, allowing me to estimate:
Egyptian religion and pyramid building A study on a possible heritage of the religion of the motherland, allowed me to consider in an original way the symbolic meaning of the pyramid and to suppose the development of these monuments as a tribute to the gods and as a projection on earth of the Osiris myth, already “drawn” in the constellations of Orion, Auriga, Canis Maior, etc.
Giza monuments Inspired by some Manetho notes, I conjectured that the construction of the Giza monuments had a development different from the one commonly recognized. The realization of the pyramids during the Uenephes reign, the 4th Pharaoh of the I dynasty, according to the ptolemaic historian, made me consider the possibility that the Giza Plateau was the location of a very ancient sacerdotal centre and the “Well of the Water” the place for the veneration of the mummies of the heroes / gods Sokar, Thoth and Osiris, in a pre-dynastic age. The unification of the Egypt had would suggest Uenephes to built a huge monumental complex at Giza, constituted by:
This original vision of the ancient project of Giza allows to answer to quite a lot of mysteries concerning the edifications at Giza and, particularly, to justify the strange direction of the Chefren’s causeway, superimposed to the old road of the I dynasty. It’s still unknown if Uenephes have finished the magnificent project, but it’s pretty sure that his successor, Usaphais, had celebrated rituals inside the temple of the Sphinx. The hypothesis that assigns the Sphinx at the I dynasty, during the reign of Uenephes (3726-3683 B.C.) or Usaphais (3683-3663 B.C.), and the possible very rainy weather of the end of II dynasty (the biblical flood is likely to be dated in the 3291 B.C.) would explain the state of decadence of a large number of monuments of the first two dynasties and solve the question of the age of the Sphinx and the erosion of the rock of the enclosure of the giant statue.
Works development at Giza This original interpretation on origins of the Giza monuments, reflecting the Manetho’s writings, allowed me to consider a new development for the works on the plateau. Khufu would have commenced to build a first huge pyramid on the basis of an unitary project by Imhotep, encasing the old little pyramid on the north of Giza. The old monument would be identifiable in the little hill which the egyptologists speak about, while the subterranean chamber would be the relative hypogeum. Khufu would have build a new causeway that, for reasons of symmetry with the previous one built up during Uenephes reign, has been directed towards north-east, leading to the temple in the Valley after a further slight deviation to the north. The new temple in the valley would be erected by renovating the old one by the I dynasty. It’s possible that Khufu have re-established the very ancient burial of the gods in the “Well of the Water” and that have make excavate a third layer below to realize its grave, close to the gods, on an island surrounded by the water of the holy Nile. This interpretation is furthermore in accordance with the closure of the old temples ordered by Khufu, as told Erodoto, and with the Inventory Stele, perhaps copy of a much more ancient stele, stating the renovation of the ancient and damaged Sphinx by Khufu. Khafra would have realised the second huge pyramid above the old little central one and would have renewed the temple in front of the Sphinx and the one at the end of the causeway (Valley Temple); he would have built a new mortuary temple in front of the pyramid. Finally, Menkaura, once completed the original unitary project of Giza by realising the third huge pyramid above the third little pyramid of the I dynasty, would have erected his temples and the causeway directly toward the east.
Khufu's pyramid The present investigation on the Ancient Egypt and the Giza pyramids tries, moreover, to solve the many doubts on the Khufu's pyramid. A detailed analysis of the constructive characteristics of the pyramid led me to consider it as a big funeral temple, drawn to help the renaissance of the Pharaoh, which would have immersed the pyramid into a series of mathematical magics, aimed at helping his resurrection and the ascension to the heaven of his soul. The four stellar shafts were moreover built up to allow some symbolic rituals during the burying of the Pharaoh. Accounting that the Egyptian priests have considered the undying constellations as icons of the characters of the “weighting of the heart” ceremony, I have thought a new theory out to justify the presence of the four shafts:
Unitary project of pyramids Under the light of the stellar religion of the Ancient Egypt, I have developed the theory of Bauval on the correlation among the Giza pyramids with the stars of the Orion’s belt, considering the possibility that all the big pyramids of the Pharaohs, built from the III to the XIII dynasty, reflect the main stars of the constellations used to draw the Osiris myth. This original theory led me to think a new Egyptian constellation, the Hawk, constituted by the stars of Auriga, the western stars of Gemini and the stars of low magnitude of Monoceros. The new stellar symbolism of the pyramids allows in this way to give an interpretation to the several areas chosen for the construction of the monuments, their dimensions, connected not only with the economical availability, but mostly with the choice of the part of the unitary project, solving moreover some mysteries as the Snefru’s bent pyramid and the building of the pyramids nearby the Fayum depression.
Appendixes The new theories, often complex, have suggested me to develop the most difficult parts of them in five appendixes, in which has been investigated the following issues: the heliacal Sirius rise, the XII dynasty, the unphased calendars, the revised Manetho’s chronology and the stellar North Pole.